
Possible Tornado Causes Extensive Damage in NW Indiana

The National Weather Service will make a determination on whether the damage was caused by a tornado tomorrow

Indiana residents are cleaning up after a possible tornado in Lowell. NBC 5’s Trina Orlando surveyed the damage and has the latest details. 

Clean-up efforts are underway in Lowell, Indiana after severe weather, including a possible tornado, hammered the area.

“I was sitting on the couch, and it was hailing, then all of the sudden, ‘kaboom!,’ storm victim Angela Bursac said.

Bursac looked outside after she heard the loud noise, only to see her fence flying away. The strong winds also ripped a swing set and trampoline out of the ground, and caused damage to her home.

“We have a gas leak and water in our furnace, because the cap came off,” she said.

Bursac is one of several residents in Lowell cleaning up after the storm. The National Weather Service has not yet confirmed whether the cause of the damage was a tornado, but a funnel cloud was spotted, spawning a Tornado Warning on Thursday afternoon in the region.

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For the Bursac’s, the damage inside their home is so significant that they will be staying with family for the foreseeable future.

“We’re just grateful everyone is okay,” she said.

Elsewhere in Indiana, the storm damaged the roof of an apartment building, and a church was also damaged.

Another victim, Jared Brock, said his garage was lifted from its base, causing the door to crumble.

“It was terrifying. I’ve never had something like this happen,” he said.

The Three Creeks Elementary School also sustained damage, as the storm extensively damaged newly installed solar panels.

The National Weather Service will make a final determination Friday on whether the damage was caused by a tornado.

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