Porn Websites Found Under Will County Judge's Login

Associate Judge Joseph Polito’s courthouse login is spammed with 243 attempts to access porn websites

He's used to presiding over other people’s cases. But this time Associate Judge Joseph Polito is at the center of an unresolved case.

The Chicago Sun-Times has obtained documents stating that someone used Polito's log-in information to access multiple pornographic websites, multiple times.  Whether Polito is the person who logged in is not known. 

More than 240 porn websites were accessed or attempted to be accessed during a six-month period, beginning in late 2010.

Chief Judge Gerald R. Kinney has apologized for any embarrassment that may have come out of this incident.

The case has been indicated to the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board, which holds the power of the fate of Polito’s career.

The unusual activity from Polito’s Chicago courthouse account has created a stir and an investigation on whether Polito or another courthouse employee attempted to access these sites. Web-filtering software is installed in all of the computers at the courthouse to deny access to non-work-related website.

Despite a few allegations and opinions from people who interacted with Polito, Judge Kinney says there is “no evidence that there’s been any impact on [Polito’s] ability to serve the community as a member of the judiciary.” Polito declined to comment.

Polito is currently working on divorce cases.

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