Pit Bulls Maul, Kill Chihuahua “Rosie”

Elgin woman watches as dogs attack her 8-year-old pet

A routine walk with her dog Rosie turned into a traumatic event for a suburban Elgin woman Tuesday afternoon when a pair of pit bulls charged the two, biting her and mauling her 8-year-old Chihuahua.

Gretchen Ohl watched in horror as the two pit bulls tore at her pet, injuring the smaller dog so severely that she had to be euthanized that same night.

Aside from citations issued to the owner of the pit bulls for expired vaccination tags, Elgin police are trying to determine what, if any, charges will be filed.

Neighbors said that the dogs have been seen loose several times, but police say there are no previous reports of any attacks. Concern for area children has nearby residents discussing efforts to have the dogs removed from the home. Without previous incidents, Elgin police say mandatory euthanization is not a consideration.

"I think something should be done, because what if that were a child?" Linda Nagel, one of Ohl's neighbors, said. "We are not far from Washington Elementary School, and it scares me to think what these dogs could do."

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