Obamas Talk Birth Certificate, Daily Lives on Oprah

President Barack Obama jokes with Oprah Winfrey just hours after releasing a long-form version of his Hawaiian birth certificate.

President Barack Obama left a press conference in Washington D.C. in which he admonished the media for spending so much time on the issue of his birth certificate, flew to Chicago and talked about his birth certificate with Oprah Winfrey.

The president and first lady taped a segment with the talk show queen for her May 2 show.

Oprah put the birth certificate up on a screen and discussed the conspiracy theory that has dogged the President since before he took office.

"When it first came up, were you thinking, 'I hope I was born here?' asked Oprah.

"Can I just say?  I was there, so I knew," the president said to laughter.  "I knew I had been born.  I remembered it."

Audience members exiting the Harpo Production studios on Chicago's west side said it was a lighthearted moment for a topic that so many deem serious.

"It's a serious topic to both him and Michelle because he is from Hawaii," said Hannah Bland from South Bend, Ind. "But they kind of made it into a fun situation, and everyone was laughing because they know where he's from. But they did discuss it."

But the show wasn't all about the birthers. According to reports the Obamas also shared with Oprah some of the details of their life in the White House and their plan for the country during what most reports say was a playful interview.

Oprah who campaigned for Obama during the 2008 election cycle will end her show on May 25, 2011.

Obama announced his reelection bid earlier this month, and kicked off the season with an event in Chicago at Navy Pier.

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