NIU Remembers 2008 Shootings

The DeKalb school continues to heal three years after the shootings

A memorial service and a wreath-laying ceremony marks the third anniversary of a shooting in Cole Hole on the DeKalb campus.

Three years ago, tragic shootings within a Northern Illinois University classroom shook the campus and DeKalb community.

The school on Monday marked the third anniversary with a wreath-laying ceremony at a memorial garden near Cole Hall, the lecture hall where the shootings occurred.

Former student Steven Kazmierczak opened fire on Feb. 14, 2008, before turning the gun on himself. Five students were left dead and more than a dozen injured.

Five wreaths were laid at the memorial Monday afternoon.

Cole Hall was closed three years ago with plans to renovate the lecture hall into non-classroom space using millions from the state.

Renovation has begun to turn the building into an anthropology museum and computer lab.

NIU Video of Monday's service:
NIU Remembers: A Day of Reflection, Presentation of the Memorial Wreaths

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