Mysterious Odor Has Oak Park Residents on Edge

Something smells in Oak Park and nobody knows what it is.

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency says it’s received more than a half dozen complaints over the past month from residents asking about a mysterious odor in the air.

Neighbors have been documenting when and where the smell hits the air on an “Oak Park IL – Odor Nuisance Tracking” Facebook page, but so far, no clues as to what the source of the odor could be.

“Smelt like chemical burning and sewer combined,” one resident, Kendall Marsden Grant wrote on Facebook.

Another commented that she has lived in Oak Park for 8 years and has never “smelled so much grossness at my house prior to this year.”

Many of the concerned residents in the Facebook group, which has grown to almost 300 people, report that it has a burning odor, but others say it smells like rotten eggs, sulfur, or cooked meat.

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