More Than 300 Cars Stolen Across 13 Chicago Suburbs: Police

High-end, luxury cars parked in residential driveways are generally the vehicles targeted, police said

Police are warning residents in Chicago’s suburbs after a rash of car thefts. 

At least 300 cars have been reported stolen across 13 Chicago-area suburbs, according to police, including several on the North Shore. 

The thieves are generally targeting high-end, luxury cars parked overnight in residential driveways, police said. Many of the cars were unlocked when stolen with the keys left inside, authorities said. 

One woman, says her new car was stolen right from outside her new home. She told NBC 5 she had just moved to Elmhurst to get away from the crime in the city. 

“When I woke up in the morning to leave at about 9 a.m. the car was missing,” she said. “It was just gone.” 

Police are stepping up patrols and urge residents to lock their cars and garages and to invest in security cameras.

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