Miserable, Schmizerable

Mayor won't take "miserable" lying Down

Miserable? Not Mayor Daley's kind of town.

Forbes magazine this week ranked Chicago as the third most miserable city in the country, but there's a least one Chicagoan who isn't going to take the comment lying down.
You might say he's Chicago's biggest booster, and as such, Mayor Daley is taking the ranking very personally.
"I can't believe it," he said of the Forbes findings. "I've lived here all my life. It's a great city."
Forbes says our commute times, sales tax, political corruption and weather make Chicago a miserable place to live.

"Every city has the same issues, same issues," and incredulous mayor said. "Government -- federal, state, local -- they all have the same issues. Of course, the northern part of this country, we have difficult weather."
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