McDonald's Makes Top Hourly Employer Cut

The Oak Brook-based chain makes the list among 12 top hourly employers

Working for McDonald's? If you're an hourly employee there, it looks like you're doing better than most.

The Oak Brook-based restaurant chain was one of 12 companies that made the cut Tuesday for Working Mother Magazine's 2011 Best Companies for Hourly Workers.

Companies that made the list were required to employ a workforce of at least 50 percent hourly workers. McDonald's has 90 percent.

The working mother's magazine finds an hourly McDonald's job well suited for multi-tasking mothers thanks to a new Working Mother’s Council. In a struggling economy, McDonald's also thrives with benefits like health insurance, paid vacation and sick time for hourly employees.

Full-time hourly employees who work for the company at least five years even get an extra week of paid time off.

Other companies that made the list include Best Buy, Bon Secours Richmond Health System, Capital One Financial, Carlson, Cricket Communications, Marriott International, Sodexo, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinic, UNM Hospitals, USAA and Valassis.

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