Chicago Jeweler Finds Rubber in His Eggs

A Chicago jeweler says he found what appears to be a small condom mixed in with his morning eggs. It was a rubber finger covering used when a food handler has a cut or a sore. Still, it’s raising eyebrows.

Anthony Rodriguez has been eating at the Pittsfield Deli for nearly 12 years.

The Chicago jeweler enjoys their food so much he said he ignores the occasional hair that ends up in his breakfast.

Friday he encountered something he couldn’t overlook. A prophylactic.

“When I was half way, I raised my spoon and a piece of egg fell down,” Rodriguez said. “The next thing I saw was a rubber.”

He stopped eating immediately and asked his waitress to take a look. She took the plate to the kitchen and cleared it off, but not before Rodriguez snapped a couple of pictures. 

Bill Giotakis, who’s owned the Pittsfield for 25 years, says it wasn’t a condom in the food.

“You know when you cut your finger state law requires that we put a rubber finger on,” he said.  “That’s what it was. It wasn’t a condom. I have proof. It must have come up from the guy who cuts the potatoes.”

That explanation didn’t make Rodriguez feel any better.

Giotakis refunded Rodriguez’ money and offered apologies. But Rodriguez said he wouldn’t be eating at the Pittsfield any more.

“This is crossing the line,” he said. 

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