Milwaukee Man Charged With Drowning Baby in Pond During Party

Multiple police officers entered the pond to attempt to save the baby but were unable to do so

A Milwaukee man is accused of drowning his 3-month-old son in a pond after allegedly flying into a fit of rage after seeing the boy’s mother perform a dance move at a party Saturday, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting.

Sean A. Flowers, 25, is charged with first-degree intentional homicide in the death of his son, Sean Flowers III.

The Journal Sentinel reports that the baby’s mother and father has a “tempestuous relationship” with a history of domestic violence.

According to a complaint filed in Milwaukee County Circuit Court, the Journal Sentinel reported, Flowers took the child from an apartment after his girlfriend did the splits, setting him off on jealous rampage.

After Flowers grabbed his son and left the party, a group of men followed him, as well his sister, who he punched in the face when she tried to stop him, the complaint alleges.

Amstadt said he heard a woman scream “Give me back my baby,” before Flowers entered the pond, a crowd following him to the water.

"That baby cried all the way out into the water," Robert Amstadt, a witness, told the paper. "Then the crying stopped."

Amstadt said another man followed Flowers into the pond and was “pleading, ‘Let the baby go, give me the baby,” but was unsuccessful in persuading the boy’s father.

Another man also attempted to get the child out of the water. He said he saw the baby floating in the water and tried to grab him, but Flowers lunged at him and took the 3-month-old further out into the water.

When police arrived, the Journal Sentinel reported, multiple officers entered the pond and to detain Flowers and recover the baby. A paramedic back on shore was unsuccessful in his attempt to resuscitate the child.

Amstadt put together a memorial on Sunday for the dead child, made of balloons, stuffed animals and an angel figurine, the Journal Sentinel reported.

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