
Madigan, Shapiro Discuss Priest Abuse Ahead of Vatican Summit

The first ever global summit on abuse is scheduled to take place later this month at the Vatican. Mary Ann Ahern reports.

The first ever global summit on abuse is scheduled to take place later this month at the Vatican.

Pope Francis says it will focus on how how church leaders handle allegations. But in Chicago Monday, two lead investigators say the catholic church can no longer police itself.

This summer first it was the Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro who released his shocking grand jury report. Then, Attorney General Lisa Madigan opened an Illinois investigation.

Shapiro alongside Madigan at the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics -- detailed what they uncovered as they examined the Catholic Church records on priest abuse.

Over the weekend an audio message was played at Chicago churches from Cardinal Blase Cupich. He is one of the lead organizers for the Feb. 21 global summit on abuse.

The archdiocese is providing new updates on this website

Many of those named nationwide as abusers in recent months date back many years but were not named until Shapiro and Madigan forced the church to do so.

The church's response in the past has varied from country to country.

One of the goals of the summit later this month is to establish clear protocols on how to prevent abuse and help victims.

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