Maday Still Wreaking Havoc From Behind Bars

It’s been nearly two months since Robert Maday escaped from authorities and went on a two-day crime spree in the Chicagoland area.

But Domenica Saverino, 32, the woman whose car he stole at gunpoint, is still feeling the effects of his crime-spree.

Saverino is still paying for the car that Maday slammed into a telephone pole, because her insurance company wont’ cover the entire cost of totaling the vehicle, according to the Daily Herald.

Direct Auto Insurance Co. of Chicago agreed to pay $6,400 of the $10,600 Saverino still owes on the vehicle. Add that to her $500 deductible and Sevirino still owes $5,000 on a car that some one stole from her.

To make matters worse, she got a bill from a collection agency seeking to recover damages for a driver that Maday hit while using her car.

Now she has no ride, she’s paying for her old one and trying to beat back creditors because she was car jacked. She does all this while working three jobs. Yikes. 

"I've already made three payments," of $318 each, since losing the car, she told the Herald. But she doesn’t think she should have to pay anything. Saverino thinks the State’s Attorney’s office, you know, the people who allowed Maday to escape in the first place should pony up.

"I hate to point the finger, but mistakes get made. Somebody has to pay the consequences of those mistakes," Saverino said.

"Why should it be me? They're supposed to be protecting us from people like this."
Thankfully, once her Direct Auto caught wind of the collection notice for the other driver, the spoke up.

"As Ms. Saverino was advised today, any correspondence or phone calls she gets seeking reimbursement from her or her insurance company should be directed to us and we will handle everything for her," Melissa A. Joseph of Direct Auto told the Herald  in an e-mail.

But she’s still on the hook for the $5,000 because she declined the Direct Auto’s offer to put her into a comparable vehicle. She thinks they tried to give her a lemon.

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