“Lone Juror” Wasn't Alone

Plenty of hay has been made about the supposed 'lone juror' in the Rod Blagojevich trial, the woman who allegedly stood apart from the rest of the jury and saved the former governor's hide.

That's not exactly true.

The woman, who various media outlets have identified as Jo Ann Chiakulas, was the only hold out on the Senate counts only.  The alleged deal to sell the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama covered a number of counts but certainly not a majority of the 24 counts facing the former governor.

Jurors were unanimous on the counts relating to the Chicago Academy, the alleged shakedown of Rahm Emanuel in order to get his brother to host a Hollywood party. But then the jury asked for transcripts of the testimony of Bradley Tusk, who spoke about the ordeal on the stand, and at least three jurors changed their vote from guilty to not guilty.

On the Children's Memorial Hospital deal most jurors voted to acquit.

So while the lone juror message may have a nice ring to it, it's not exactly true.

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