Lincoln Park Zoo Welcomes Newborn Primate

Only 66 Francois' langur monkeys live in zoos in North America

Lincoln Park Zoo has a brightly colored new addition to its primate exhibit.

The orange baby boy Francois’ langur was born on July 11 to mother 16-year-old Pumpkin and father 15-year-old Cartman. The newborn will stand out among its family until its color fades to black within three to six months.

“Pumpkin is a great mom, and she has been bonding well with her new infant,” Bonnie Jacobs, the zoo's lead keeper of primates, said. “The other three females in the group have already started helping out.” Jacobs is also the vice coordinator of the Francois’ langur Species Survival Program.

The Francois’ langur is endangered due to habitat loss in their native homes of China and Vietnam. The monkey is so rare that there are only 66 of the species living between 17 accredited zoos in North America.

The newborn and his family can be seen on exhibit at the Helen C. Brach Primate House from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends. 

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