Krishnamoorthi Goes On TV

You’re getting in your car to go to work on this snowy morning, and suddenly, you see a hand scraping snow off your windshield. As the glass clears, you see…it’s 8th District Democratic Congressional Candidate Raja Krishnamoorthi!

That would startle me, or at least make me think Krishnamoorthi is campaigning too hard, but in the opening scene of Krishnamoorthi’s new campaign ad, the woman behind the wheel gives him a thumbs up. It turns out he’s clearing snow with a spiral-bound copy of his Jobs Plan, which you can read online at his website.

Later in the ad, Krishnamoorthi also uses the plan as a crossing-guard stop sign, so children can cross the street. This sets up the voiceover, delivered by the candidate himself:

“My plan won’t solve every problem, but it will work. As the head of a small business, I’m the only one in this race who’s created jobs. This plan is built from real experience, not slogans and soundbites. It bolsters small business, invests in science and technology, creates high tech jobs. This plan works. That’s why I’ve earned strong local support. I‘m Raja Krishnamoorthi and I approved this message. Just remember: Raja.”

Krishnamoorthi’s campaign released two versions of the ad. In one, he’s posing with Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. In the other, Preckwinkle is absent. Krishnamoorthi spokesman Mike Murray said the Preckinkle ad will appear on TV.

"She's very popular," Murray said of Preckwinkle. "She's good on ethics and fiscal responsibility."

Raja's ad hits cable today, and will appear on broadcast television in March.

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