Chicago Police

Top Cop Worried Over Rialmo's Well-Being After Shootings: Deposition

Chicago police officer Robert Rialmo was placed on desk duty following the fatal shooting of Quintonio Legreir and Bettie Jones. Michelle Relerford reports.

Chicago police officer Robert Rialmo was placed on desk duty following the fatal shooting of Quintonio Legreir and Bettie Jones.

In his sworn deposition, which was released Thursday, Supt. Eddie Johnson testified he was concerned for Rialmo's emotional well-being.

“I asked if he was OK, was he doing OK and I explained why I was removing him from summer mobile, that it was in his best interest and the interests of the citizens that he not be out that have contact with the public and that I wasn’t trying to penalize or punish him," Johnson says in the recording.

Johnson provided sworn testimony two weeks before announcing his decision that Rialmo was justified when he fatally shot Legrier as he approached officers with a bat, and Jones an innocent bystander.

Johnson was asked about accountability and excessive force, whether or not punishment is required.

"If it's found to be excessive force," Johnson responds.

The Civilian Office of Police Accountability did determine Rialmo was unjustified in the shooting.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel was questioned on his stance on Johnson's findings as well.

"What I'm standing by is that the process is being followed," he said. "If you're asking me to weigh in on Superintendent Johnson, I think he’s doing a very good job and I think he’s doing it in all its aspects."

For Legrier’s attorney, Johnson’s decision to place Rialmo on desk duty following the fatal shooting, but relieve him of police powers following a bar fight raises more questions.

"With the bar fight, he left the scene and we were unable to get his version of what occurred," Johnson said.

Asked if he ever took steps to relieve Rialmo of his police powers for the shooting death of Legrier or Jones, Johnson's response was succinct.

"No," he said.

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