Joe Walsh Still Can't Carry A Concealed Weapon

There’s one good thing about the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, which Rep. Joe Walsh and four other Illinois Republicans voted for on Wednesday: it won’t allow Walsh to carry a concealed weapon.

The bill, which passed the House 272-154, would require would require states that allow conceal carry to honor permits from other conceal-carry states.

Rep. Tim Johnson, R-Urbana, introduced an amendment to force our lone holdout state to allow visitors to pack concealed weapons. That was too much of an intrusion on states’ rights for Republicans. The amendment failed.
That must be a relief to the people of the 8th District. Would you ask Walsh about Wall Street’s role in the housing collapse if you knew he could wave around a 9 mm handgun, instead of just pointing a finger in your face and shouting “I am tired of hearing this crap!”

Walsh used the bill’s passage to criticize Illinois’s “archaic” gun laws.

"Today’s vote brings us one step closer to making Illinois a right-to-carry state and allowing Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights across state lines.Currently, Illinois is the only state in this nation that denies its citizens the right to keep and bear arms. The vote today shows just how archaic Illinois’ gun laws have become and how important it is that they be repealed. I have been on the frontlines of the Second Amendment debate since I came to Congress in January. In a recent back-and-forth debate that I have had with the Brady Campaign, I have defended the Second Amendment stressing the importance of gun rights and how they are being disregarded, especially in Illinois. I am pleased with the outcome of today’s vote and will always be an outspoken advocate for Second Amendment rights and particularly, a repeal of Illinois laws preventing the right-to-carry."

As long Pat Quinn is governor, Second Amendment rights in this state will not extend to the inside of our pants. Walsh will just have to use a finger to make his point.  

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