Walsh Demands AG Holder's Resignation

He's gone after President Obama. Now north shore Congressman Joe Walsh has set his sights on Attorney General Eric Holder.

In a letter (.pdf), the Republican demanded Holder's resignation for his involvement in Operation Fast and Furious, a covert operation that aimed to stem the flow of illegal guns into Mexico.

The operation "blew up in [his] face" and has "raised serious doubts about [his] ability to uphold and defend the law," Walsh's office said in an email to the press.

If Holder doesn't resign, Walsh said the president should fire him immediately.

Operation Fast and Furious was in place for just under a year and allowed those suspected of buying guns for others to complete the purchase. The intention was the sale would lead to Mexican criminal organizations suspected of being the ultimate buyer and that the weapons would eventually be recovered.

Many of the weapons haven't been recovered, and ballistics show show that many of them have been used in dozens of crimes. A U.S. Border Patrol Agent and a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent were killed while the operation was in place.

"The American people deserve to know the truth regarding Attorney General Eric Holder’s knowledge and role in the Fast and Furious operation. This program was deliberately designed to attack law-abiding American gun-owners and gun-dealers.  Why else would an anti-gun Administration force licensed firearms dealers to sell guns to violent criminals?" said Walsh.

Rep. Walsh's Letter to Attorney General Eric Holder (.pdf)

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