Chicago Cubs

Maddon Campaigns for Walk-Up Music for Managers

Maddon picks three bands he'd choose from, but won't commit to one song

Chicago Cubs manager Joe Maddon has some interesting ideas when it comes to how to improve the game of baseball, and on Saturday before his team’s game against the Seattle Mariners he mentioned one more: adding walk-up music for managers.

“They were talking about walk-up music today in the meeting,” he said. “Our people were talking about what’s going on at Wrigley this year with the scoreboard and walk-up music, and I was thinking to myself ‘why doesn’t the manager have walk-up music when he goes out to the mound?’”

Maddon is known for his locker room antics, which have included bringing in exotic animals like penguins and encouraging themed road trips, with players wearing costumes when they travel. Adding something to the in-game experience is in that same vein of looseness, but there was one question that Maddon had trouble answering: what would his music be?

“I’d really have to think about it,” he said. “It would either be (Led) Zeppelin, the (Rolling) Stones or Springsteen. One of those three. I would have to seriously consider what it would be, but it would be one of those three.”

There are some good picks out there to be certain. “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” playing during umpire-manager arguments could be a great idea. “Kashmir” by Led Zeppelin could be another quality track to play to get the juices flowing during a game.

If you have any other ideas for songs, there is one place where you share them: Maddon’s Twitter page.

“That’s something for Twitter right there,” he said. “You could have three different songs. One for taking out a pitcher, one for arguing with an umpire and one when you’re not sure what you’re doing with a pitcher. I’ll definitely do that.”

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