
Indiana Walmart Charges Woman For Cook County Soda Tax

Nina Garcia lives in Cook County, but shops where its cheaper–in neighboring Indiana. But she had to look twice at a recent receipt after a shopping expedition to Hammond when she was the controversial sugary drink tax on her purchases. Natalie Martinez reports.

Nina Garcia lives in Cook County, but shops where its cheaper--in neighboring Indiana.

But she had to look twice at a recent receipt after a shopping expedition to Hammond when she was charged the controversial sugary drink tax on her purchases.

"I was like, I can't believe it, we specifically went to Indiana so we wouldn't have to deal with the tax," she said.

The Walmart on Cabela Drive included sugary beverage tax on her soda Sunday.

"We get taxed so much," she said. "When does it end?"

Walmart told NBC 5 it was a system error that's been corrected. That appeared to be the case as we spoke to shoppers tonight

NBC 5 showed shoppers her receipt and were met with surprise and incredulity.

Cecil Goodson had a trunk full of sweet drinks, and doesn't like the tax either.

"I think it's pretty bad really," he said.

Giselle Sheppard, an Indiana resident, said it's not uncommon for Chicagoans to come over the border for their shopping to avoid taxes.

"A lot of them come to Indiana and purchase ... from Indiana," she said.

Craig Bady is one of those commuting customers.

"I got over the border for all my stuff," he said, adding that it's "way cheaper."

Walgreens and McDonalds are just two other companies that have found trouble in the wake of the tax.

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