Puppy-Napping Case Solved

Owner thought puppy was abducted from Montrose Dog Beach

In what may be the feel good story of the week, a North Side woman is reunited with her puppy, Che, thought to have been abducted from the Montrose Dog Beach on Friday.

A call to Rebecca Blabolil Wednesday night brought just the news she was hoping for.

The woman on the other end of the line said she thought she had Che, but said she had picked him up as a stray and had not taken him from the beach. The Slavik family, of West Rogers Park, found the puppy shortly after he disappeared, wandering on the outbound side of  Lake Shore Drive.

The caller described the dog, including the collar he was wearing, and Blabolil knew her pooch was safe.

She rushed to meet the woman, hand over the $2,500 reward, according to the Chicago Tribune, and pick up her precious pup.

"This is perhaps the most devastating experience of my life," Blabolil had said earlier in the week.

Che is the first dog the woman has ever had and she adores him.

Blabolil was offering a $2500 reward, no questions asked. She posted signs at the beach and return there to look for the dog in the days after his disappearance. 

On Thursday, her strongest wish came true, and the notion of dognapping is all but forgotten.

The Montrose Dog Beach is one of 15 enclosed, legal off-leash dog areas provided by the Chicago Park District. It is maintained by a non-profit group called Mondog, which welcomes members, dogs and dog lovers.

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