Democratic Redistricting Map Sent to Governor

A plan approved by legislators Friday that draws new legislative districts for the next 10 years now sits on Gov. Pat Quinn's desk.

It's unclear as to whether he'll sign the bills, though in previous remarks he's stated he would sign off on a plan that was "fair and square." 

But the maps were drawn by Democrats in both bodies and appear to be designed in such a way to create stronger Democratic districts or pit Republicans against one another.

Republicans in the House have challenged Quinn to veto the plan he received from Democrats and instead take a look at the plan they've developed, which they're calling the "fair map."

If the General Assembly can't agree on the proposals by the end of May, they'll only have a short time before the process is taken over by a committee made up of four members from each party.

The bills are SB1177 and HR385.

Map: Proposed Illinois House & Senate Districts (h/t Chicago Tribune)

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