How You Could Win $1,000 Just From Picking Up a Penny in Chicago

One hundred secret pennies each worth $1,000 have been placed across 10 cities in the US, including in Chicago

See a penny pick it up, you could be in for some serious luck.

One hundred secret pennies each worth $1,000 (or 100,000 pennies) have been placed across 10 cities in the US, including in Chicago.

The pennies, from Ally Bank, have been hidden in plain sight and read “Lucky You 100,000 cents,” according to the company. The rules for the game state that they want winning to find the pennies “in the course of their regular activities” and not “encourage hunting for Ally Lucky Pennies in obscure locations or travel.”

Anyone who finds one is told to enter the code found on the penny on the company’s "lucky penny" website.

Not sure where to start looking? Ally is offering hints for penny locations nationwide using the #AllyLuckyPenny hashtag.

The contest began Tuesday and continues through the end of the year.

“At Ally, we believe every cent counts,” the company’s website reads. “And we want to do right by those who think the same way.”

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