How Usain Bolt's Victory Predicts Obama's

I’ve been trying to figure out a way to tie the Olympics to the presidential race. I’ve also been searching for the dumbest presidential statistic in existence. And I think I’ve found the answer to both.

The 100-meter run is the premier event of the Olympic Games. Historically, the United States dominated the event. But since 1976, when Hasely Crawford of Trinidad and Tobago became the first Caribbean sprinter to take home a gold medal, there has been a rivalry between American and Caribbean athletes. In every year an American has won the 100, a Republican has won that fall’s presidential race. In every year a runner born in the Caribbean has won, a Democrat has become president. I can’t explain this, except to suggest that the patriotic triumph of winning the Olympics’ showcase race may redound to the Republicans’ benefit. But here are the results. If you’re an Obama supporter, you should be glad Usain Bolt won.

100 meter winner: Hasely Crawford, Trinidad and Tobago
Presidential winner: Jimmy Carter, Democrat

N/A. U.S. boycotted the Olympics

100 meter winner: Carl Lewis, United States
Presidential winner: Ronald Reagan, Republican

100 meter winner: Carl Lewis, United States
Presidential winner: George Bush, Republican

100 meter winner: Linford Christie, Great Britain (born in Jamaica)
Presidential winner: Bill Clinton, Democrat

100 meter winner: Donovan Bailey, Canada (born in Jamaica)
Presidential winner: Bill Clinton, Democrat

100 meter winner: Maurice Greene, United States
Presidential winner: George W. Bush, Republican

100 meter winner: Justin Gatlin, United States
Presidential winner: George W. Bush, Republican

100 meter winner: Usain Bolt, Jamaica
Presidential winner: Barack Obama, Democrat

100 meter winner: Usain Bolt, Jamaica
Presidential winner: TBD

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