How to Write Job Descriptions for New (and Old) Hires

 When you’re starting out, or continuing in your new business, the employees you hire can make or break your business. A small company can’t hire incompetent staff, so it’s important to figure out your needs before you even begin looking for job candidates. It begins with writing a job description. No employee likes to do this after they’re hired, so do it yourself first.  

More advice on job descriptions can be found in this Entrepreneur Magazine article.
Begin by understanding the requirements of the job being filled. What kind of personality, experience and education are needed? To determine these attributes, sit down and do a job analysis covering the following areas:
  • The mental/physical tasks involved (ranging from judging, planning, administration, even lifting and welding).
  • How the job will be done (the methods and equipment to be used).
  • The reason the job exists (including an explanation of job goals and how they relate to other positions in the company).
  • The qualifications needed (training, knowledge, skills and personality traits).
  • If you're having trouble, one good way to get information for a job analysis is to talk to employees and supervisors at other companies that have similar positions. 
Then get ready for the next step - when your employees start asking for raises.
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