How Older Job Seekers Can Use Social Media to Find Work

Today’s older generation—Baby Boomers and earlier Gen X-ers—are met with unprecedented career challenges.

The struggles this age group has experienced range from unexpected layoffs to pursuing newly discovered professional passions. But despite the challenges, this older crew can enhance their job search and overcome some of their hurdles with just a few new social-savvy tips and tricks.

Here are three tips for older job seekers using social media to maximize their job search:

1. Have an online presence. Recruiters commonly use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to find viable candidates. But if you have to have one and only one social media profile, it’s LinkedIn. LinkedIn allows users to create a basic online resume, and its benefits are two-fold: Hiring managers use LinkedIn to search for people with your experience and qualification when they have an opening.

As a job seeker, this platform allows you to build a digital professional network (think of it as an online Rolodex) with connections ranging from childhood friends to college classmates to former employers. After all, much of job hunting is about networking, and LinkedIn makes that easier than ever.

2. Explore new resources. Follow influential and helpful resources on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn for job hunting tips. For example, use Twitter to find new, Chicago-specific job posting; Twitter accounts, like @ChicagoEduJobs, are powered by CareerBuilder and provide current job opening both located within your industry and hometown.

Another resource, Jobs At 50, offers a 50-step approach for tackling the job market at this certain age. Based on his personal experience, founder Andy Friedman literally wrote the book “50 Steps for 50-Year-Old Job Seekers,” which offers advice on how to get hired while using your age as an advantage. They say it takes one to know one, so consulting others, whether in person, online or via book, who have been in your position can be infinitely valuable.

3. Be aware of what you post. This can’t be said enough: Oversharing, posting distasteful photos or writing inappropriate comments (even in a joking fashion) can hurt your job search. Keep it professional at all times.

In addition to being aware of what you post moving forward, do a quick quality control assessment through a Google search to see what the Internet is saying about you and review your current social media sites and delete any post or photos are that are unfavorable.

What are your best job hunting tips? Share in the comments below!

Adam Fridman is the founder of, a social network for entrepreneurs. MeetAdvisors allows for professionals to give free advice to those seeking help with their business ventures. Forbes has coined MeetAdvisors "Yelp for entrepreneurs." Armed with a Master of Science in Finance and experience in corporate finance and investment banking, Adam spent the past 10 years tackling a number of ventures with a focus on business development and strategy.

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