Hillary Clinton Campaigns in the Midwest, Chicago on Monday

The Midwest is front and center for Hillary Clinton's campaign over the next two days.

Clinton is speaking at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Indianapolis Sunday afternoon, her first visit to Indiana since losing the Hoosier state primary in May to Senator Bernie Sanders.

Sunday evening, Clinton will head to all-important battleground state Ohio. She will attend a fundraiser at the home of Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley.

Before Clinton travels to Chicago to deliver the keynote speech at the Operation PUSH convention on Monday, she and Sen. Elizabeth Warren will campaign together in Ohio.

The two will hold their first rally together at the Cincinnati Museum Center on Monday morning, further fueling speculation of a possible Clinton-Warren ticket in November.

Regardless, Warren's more public role in the 2016 race is a sign that the Democratic Party is uniting behind Clinton.

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