Hillary Clinton Promotes New Book in Chicago

Clinton remains cagey when asked at a Chicago event when she’ll announce a run for president in 2016.

Hillary Clinton may not have announced her candidacy for president in 2016, but she definitely sounded like a candidate Tuesday at a book promotion event held at Chicago's Arie Crown Theatre.

The former Secretary of State is the author of the new memoir "Hard Choices," but many of the themes she touched on Tuesday were topics that are sure to come up during a presidential campaign.

She was of course asked when she'll announce a presidential run.

"If I ever decide to do it, I will let you all be the first to know," Clinton said. "I am really weighing in all the various factors."

"Whomever runs, give us your positive vision for the country and how are you personally are going to make that happen."

Clinton also discussed Benghazi, calling it her "biggest regret," but insisted that U.S. presence is necessary in foreign locations.

"I regret deeply what happened, but I also believe we have to be there," Clinton said.

"We have attacks on our facilities all the time. Most don't cause death or injury."

Clinton spoke about the need for change in Washington, and pointed toward her own decision to work with President Barack Obama following a bitter campaign.

"We had really tough debates, but ultimately we come together, and that was an example I could hold up to people. We both love our country and that is how democracy is supposed to work," Clinton said.

"Our infighting and our gridlock doesn't reflect well on us."

Clinton, who spoke without using a teleprompter, also discussed immigration reform, school lunches and used the term "hard choices" more than two dozen times.

Clinton will also appear at Chicago Ideas Week Wednesday morning alongside Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

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