
Google Promotes Gadgets With Chicago Doughnut Pop-Up Shop

New smartphones are hitting the market this holiday season, and NBC 5’s Charlie Wojciechowski has Google’s latest foray into the market.

Search Google for "new phone" and you might see how the internet and software company is rapidly becoming a hardware company.

"We see so much potential in our products because they are made at the intersection of software, hardware and something we call artificial intelligence or AI," said spokesman Evan Barbour Grippi.

A day before customers get their hands on Apple’s new iPhone X, Google showed off its hardware line which is based around the second version of its photo-centric Pixel smartphone.

"You get free, unlimited storage of photos and videos and you can search your photos by what’s in them, so that is an added benefit," Grippi said. "Instead of scrolling and searching."

Those benefits extend to a new Google Clips camera that decides when to take photos or videos that include you in the frame.

"It is a wearable camera and its really meant to capture those in between moments," Grippi said. "So its great for parents and people with pets because you can actually be in the photos you take."

Google is going head to head with Amazon with its smaller and cheaper version of its popular speaker: the Google Home Mini.

Google is also offering new versions of its Daydream View virtual reality headset and its high-end Pixelbook Laptop, but the most innovative product may be a set of earbuds that can listen to the world around you and translate it.

"It uses the google translate app on your phone to hear what the other person is saying and translate right into your ear," Grippi said. "It works for 40 languages."

A Google Mini looks a little bit like a doughnut--and that’s important because on Sunday and Monday Google is hoping to set up a pop up doughnut shop in Chicago where you can learn more about the product and sample a little of Chicago's doughnut cuisine.

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