Go to There: Marketing to Government Seminar

Later this week -- on Thursday, to be exact -- American Express OPEN's Victory in Procurement's program is holding a half-day seminar that will teach local businesses "how to effectively market their business to the government by sharing best practices from procurement experts."

Attendees will also get hands-on training on writing sample pitches and getting immediate feedback from panelists. A panel of government buyers also will be on hand to offer advice. All in all, it sounds pretty cool and devotes a lot of time to a specialized topic. Best of all, the workshop, which runs from 9 a.m. 'til noon at 500 N. Kingsbury St., is free.

To register and read more about it, hop over here.

David Wolinsky is a freelance writer and a lifelong Chicagoan. In addition to currently serving as an interviewer-writer for Adult Swim, he's also a columnist for EGM. He was the Chicago city editor for The Onion A.V. Club where he provided in-depth daily coverage of this city's bustling arts/entertainment scene for half a decade. When not playing video games for work he's thinking of dashing out to Chicago Diner, Pizano's, or Yummy Yummy. His first career aspirations were to be a game-show host.

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