Frustrated Alderman Fills Potholes in His Ward

Ricardo Munoz (22nd) is taking asphalt from other city projects and filling potholes in the Little Village area

9/24/2014: Ricardo Munoz (22nd) is taking asphalt from other city projects and filling potholes in the Little Village area. NBC 5’s Rob Elgas reports.

Ald. Ricardo Munoz (22nd) is so frustrated by potholes in his ward that he's decided to take matters into his own hands -- literally.

Munoz has been filling potholes himself in the Little Village area with asphalt he's secretly taken from city supplies.

"We've been out here all day, and the bottom line is, we need to call attention to the fact that these potholes have been here since last winter," Munoz told NBC 5 as he repaired another crater.

It's an effort his constituents seem to appreciate.

"I've been telling my alderman for six months to fix this. Look at it, big holes over there, another over there. They never fix it," a resident told NBC 5.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel was asked about Munoz's plan Wednesday and seemed to get agitated.

"I don't know his idea, but we're going to do what we need to make sure the streets -- whether they are main streets or neighboring streets -- are passable for all the residents in the city of Chicago," Emanuel said before abruptly leaving a morning news conference.

Munoz said it didn't take long for him to get a call from City Hall.

"They wanted to know what we are doing. I told them we're taking city asphalt from city projects and reappropriating it to city potholes," Munoz said.

Munoz said he'll continue to repair potholes over the next few days, although he's worried he won't be able to repair the hundreds of potholes in alleys before winter begins.

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