
Family's Dog Attacked by Coyote in Naperville Backyard

As coyotes are common in Illinois, it's not unusual to spot one in a neighborhood.

A small dog was recently attacked by a coyote in a Naperville family's backyard, prompting the animal's owners to issue a warning to neighbors on social media.

In a post on the neighborhood social networking website NextDoor, Alexia and Vince Gallucci explained their dog Riley, a 4-year-old Beagle and Dachshund mix, was bit by a coyote Friday evening.

The couple says their dog was "lucky to believe alive" and received treatment from a veterinarian following the attack. The incident was reported to local animal control.

As coyotes are common in Illinois, it's not unusual to spot one in a neighborhood.

“Seeing a coyote out during the day is not a cause for alarm, especially in the spring and summer when they’re looking for food for their pups,” Lynsey White, director of humane wildlife conflict resolution with the Humane Society of the United States said in an article.

However, the Humane Society says coyotes may mistake small, unattended pets as prey or attack large dogs they view as threats to territory.

To help your pets stay safe, make sure to keep an extra eye on them, experts say.

When it comes to cats, it's best to keep them indoors, the Humane Society stated. Animal experts encourage pet owners to never leave small dogs outside unsupervised or let any dog off their leash while in a yard, according to the Humane Society.

Also, make sure to feed pets indoors and store garbage in wildlife-proof containers.

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