Englewood Salvation Army Center Makes Toy Goal

Chicagoans respond to media reports, donating enough toys for 1,200 children in 400 families of Salvation Army's Adopt-A-Family program

Chicagoans respond to media reports, donating enough toys for 1,200 children in 400 families of Salvation Army’s Adopt-A-Family program.

All of the nearly 1,200 children in the Salvation Army Englewood Center's Adopt-A-Family program will receive Christmas gifts this year, thanks to Chicagoans who opened their hearts and their pocketbooks.

"It was just incredible. The smiles on people's faces, the 'thank you's, .. the simple words are what are really important," said Robin Anderson of the Army's Operation Santa.

Media coverage last week indicated that branches around the city were hurting for holiday donations. At the time, only 25 percent of the children and families on the list to be "adopted" were set to get a gift. 

Each year the Salvation Army Metropolitan Division distributes approximately 80,000 toys to needy families.


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