coronavirus illinois

Drivers Reminded Not to Hang Face Masks from Rear View Mirror, May Result in Fine

Hanging any objects, including face masks, may result in a citation up to $164

AAA Auto group and the Illinois State Police are reminding drivers not to use their rear view mirror to store face masks amid the pandemic.

As the coronavirus crisis continues, many people have been found oftentimes hanging several face masks on their rear view mirror.

And while doing do could lead to a citation, hanging any object from the mirror is considered illegal.

“We and the Illinois State Police both want to remind all drivers to not hang anything on the rearview mirrors,” said AAA Auto group spokesperson Molly Hart.

“It is against the law, and depending on the circumstances, either the size or the swinging movement of such items can interfere with a driver’s view of a pedestrian, a motorcyclist, bicyclist or even a full-sized vehicle. Drivers can receive a warning or citation.”

A citation for hanging an object on a rear view mirror can cost up to $164.

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