Dolan Excited by Possible Non-European Pope

New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan says Catholics could see a non-European Pope emerge this March when white smoke pours from a Vatican smokestack. 

“It’s highly possible,” Dolan said on his New York radio show.  “To think that there might be a pope from North America, to think that there might be a pope from Latin America, a pope from Asia, a pope from Africa.  I think that’s possible, don’t you.?”

One possibility that Dolan downplayed, however, is speculation over his ascendance. 

“I could be the next shortstop of the Yankees too,” he said when asked if he might preside over the Catholic faith after Benedict. 

The timing of the conclave, Dolan said, should remain in mid-March despite discussion about potentially beginning sooner. 

“You don’t want to rush it, because we need prayer, we need to get to know one another, we need time to let Benedict’s departure sink in.”

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