Dogs and Cats: The Fix is In

Spaying/neutering may soon be law in Chicago

Warning: Some dogs and cats may find the following story disturbing.

If you're a pet owner in Chicago who's ignored Bob Barker's decades of reminders to get your pet spayed or neutered -- the City Council may be about to take that choice away from you.

The most powerful alderman in the city thinks he has the votes to push through an ordinance that would make it illegal -- and pricey -- for pets to keep their bits and pieces.

Ald. Edward Burke tamed down his measure in order to get the votes, but it would still sting pet owners who are caught, the Sun-Times noted. Dogs and cats that haven't been fixed would rack up a $100 fine every month until their owners take them for the surgery.

A committee is expected to approve the ordinance on Thursday, and it could be voted on by the full City Council by next week.

Burke introduced the measure after a Southwest Side woman was brutally attacked by several dogs. He said experts agree that spaying or neutering reduces aggression in animals, and he hopes the law will cut down on the number of maulings, in addition to reducing the stray population.

Bob Baker's Famous Sign-Off

In 2008, a longtime proponent of having pets fixed came to Chicago to support the proposal. Bob Barker spoke at a City Council meeting, saying "apathy sets in and people just don't get up, get out, and get it done ... The only answer is legislation."

But the measure still has its opponents -- including many pet owners and the State Veterinary Medical Association -- as well as dogs and cats everywhere.

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