Dirty Rat: Turncoat Makes $4.5 Million

"Joe was a real hero in this case"

Hip hop nation listen up: sometimes it pays to be a rat.

For proof just take a look at Joe Caputo.

He’s the whistle blower who pulled the curtain from a  Skokie-based defense contractor’s scheme to defraud the federal government.

Caputo, who worked for the company since 1990, was told to falsify costs and price justifications in order for MPC to increase its profit margins on government contracts, according to the Chicago Tribune.

The government sued MPC for $25 million and gave Caputo a $4.5 million cut.


"Joe was a real hero in this case," said he attorney, Mark Kleiman. "He took great risks over the years. He and his family put up with tremendous hardships to make this investigation work."

Caputo never felt good about the fraud and he even complained about it in 2000. So MPC fired him.

Then, a year later, they hired him back. But not before he hooked up with federal investigators.


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