Desiree: “I'm Not Crying for Me”

Still deciding whether to move back to Chicago

Desiree Rogers is recovering from the criticism that dogged her after a White House Social Event went awry under her watch.

"I will be fine," she said. "I'm not crying for me."

The erstwhile White House Social Secretary made comments about her role in the Gatecrasher episode – when Tareq and Michaele Salahi sneaked into a State Dinner in November –  during discussion at an $85 per ticket  luncheon for the Chicago Advertising Federation at the Palmer House Hilton Thursday. It was her first public event since leaving the White House.

Rogers has managed to find a silver lining in the incident: at least she looked good.

"If it's said I was beautiful in a dress and I should have had a clipboard (that's) alright," Rogers said, referring to her evening attire.

Her reputation as a fashionista preceded her move from Chicago to Washington D.C. But she's not sure if she'll continue to grace Chicago with chic looks.

The former head of People's Gas may not move back Windy City to live.

"I'm still deciding whether to live in New York or Chicago," Rogers said.

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