Pope Francis

D.C. Archbishop Wuerl Joins Cupich in Defending Pope Francis

Washington, D.C.'s Cardinal Donald Wuerl has joined Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich in supporting Pope Francis as the most important gathering of Catholic bishops since Vatican II wraps up its work in Rome next week. 

A Sunday afternoon interview in Rome with Cardinal Wuerl has Cardinal freely calling out Pope Francis' opponents. Just two days ago, Cupich also spoke in favor of the pope.

There are three controversial issues dividing the bishops at the Synod in Rome: whether the divorced and remarried can receive communion, what approach the church should take regarding homosexuality and how the church should view couples who live together but are not married.

Wuerl told America magazine that some of his fellow bishops and cardinals "just don't like this pope" and that they are "twisting around" what the pope has said.

"There are always people who are unhappy with something that is going on in the church, but the touchstone of authentic Catholicism is adherence to the teaching of the pope," Wuerl said.

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