coronavirus illinois

Apparel Company Threadless Offers Up Custom Face Masks, With All Proceeds Donated

Threadless apparel company is giving all proceeds from protective face masks to a humanitarian aid non-profit organization

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker now recommends residents wear masks if they must go outside during the stay-at-home order. Here is an easy no-sew face mask with items you probably already have at home.

Threadless, an apparel company and online artist community, is offering up custom face masks for shoppers with 100% of the proceeds going to a non-profit that recovers medical supplies for hospitals in need.

Threadless added face masks to their inventory on April 14 and have sold nearly 14,000 masks, raising over $67,000 for MedShare. Their goal is currently $100,000.

MedShare sources and directly delivers medical supplies and equipment to communities around the world.

Jake Nickell, Threadless Founder and CEO, said their community of artists is able to help make masks personal by designing custom art, while hopefully bringing joy during these tough times.

"We’re really excited to be raising funds for such an important non-profit like this,” said Nickell said in a statement. “Face masks have quickly become a part of our culture during this pandemic and will likely continue to be a part of our lives for the foreseeable future."

Social Media influences such as Colin Donnell, actor from NBC's Chicago Med, are posting their face mask creations from their personal Artist Shops on Threadless.

Threadless gives a platform to artists worldwide to create print-on-demand merchandise. However, anyone can create an Artist Shop online.

The company is encouraging small businesses, restaurants and anyone financially impacted by COVID-19 to create an Artist Shop and sell their custom products by emailing their logo to

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