Fire Destroys Home, Damages Three Others in Crystal Lake Subdivision

Home video shows the ferocious fire that completely destroyed one home and damaged three others in unincorporated Crystal Lake. Rob Elgas reports.

One home was completely destroyed and three others damaged in a massive blaze in a far northwest suburban subdivision.

Several fire crews were called to the 3200 block of Carrington Drive, in uncorporated Crystal Lake, at about 3:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Though there were no reports of any injuries to residents, one home was home was burned completely to its foundation. From NBC Chicago's helicopter, firefighters could be seen tending to small fires on the roofs of three other nearby homes.

"We had about 25 mile per hour winds that aided in the embers and everything else traveling across the street and igniting the roofs on the buildings," said Battalion Chief Christopher Olsen with the Crystal Lake Fire Rescue Department.

Firefighting efforts were hampered a bit, Olsen said, because the subdivision lacks fire hydrants and water needed to be trucked in.

Valley View Road was closed between East Terra Cotta and East Crystal Lake avenues. A portion of East Terra Cotta avenue near the subdivision was also closed.

Two firefighters were treated for minor heat exhaution, Olsen said.

There was no information Wednesday evening as to what caused the fire. Olsen said the investigation would likely take a couple of days.

Photo: Scott Milliman
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