Chihuahua Survives Owl Attack in Crystal Lake

Owner has his wife to thank for purchasing the dog's life-saving coat

Think again before scoffing at those cutsie coats owners sometimes put on their dogs.

Just ask Chico, the 3-year-old chihuahua whose coat helped him survive an owl attack last week in Crystal Lake.

George Kalomiris told that he was taking Chico for a walk when a great horned owl swooped down. The owl hit the dog and started dragging him, trying to lift him off the ground.

Kalomiris said he came face-to-face with the owl. "Good thing I had a hold of the leash," he said.

Chico suffered only a couple of bruises and scratches. And when Kalomiris thinks back to the attack, he doesn't hide the reason for the favorable outcome.

"Thank God he had the coat," said Kalomiris, who mentioned he has his wife to thank for the purchase. "Otherwise he might have been hurt."

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