Chicago Worst in Truck Congestion

Two Chicago roads lead national list of worst congestion

Chicago is in the driver’s seat when it comes to truck-traffic, according to a news

The Federal Highway Administration named Chicago the worst place for truck-related congestion in the United States, after studying traffic patterns in more with help from the American Transportation Research Institute. In fact, out of the 100 hot spots identified in the study, Chicago owns three of the top-10. 

Here’s how Chicago's worst spots ranked.

    #9: The Dan Expressway at the Bishop Ford Freeway. 
    The study found traffic moved at 38 mph during peak travel periods and 50 mph during non-rush hours.

    #2: The junction connecting the Kennedy and Edens Expressways.    
     Travel times average 23 mph during rush periods and only 39 mph during rush periods. The actual speed limit is 55 mph.  

    #1: The circle interchange. (The junction between the Eisenhower Expressway and the Kennedy and Dan Ryan Expressways).
      The study says cars average 23 mph during rush hour and only 30 mph all day.

 A section of I-94 in Fort Lee, NJ took the #3 spot; I-35 in Austin, TX finished #4.

Researchers used GPS technology and truck-specific information to come up with the findings. They hope the study will help trucking companies create better routes.

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