Meet i-REAL: Toyota's Futuristic Tricycle

Toyota's got a new concept vehicle that's like nothing you've seen before. Except maybe in theaters.

The company is branching out past traditional cars to a new concept in transportation. It's called i-REAL, a new three-wheeled personal mobility vehicle.

"It's very easy to drive, and you can enjoy the moonlight and you can enjoy the smell from flowers. You can enjoy the sounds from the river flowing. That is the concept of IReal," said Toyota's Tetsuya Kaida.

Sort of like... walking, one would say.  But we can see how the device would be good for those who can't get around easily by themselves.

The vehicle is almost worn, like clothing, so the driver can concentrate on things other than moving around.  Kaida said the i-REAL is better than the Segway because it allows for one-handed driving.

The company says the top speed is about 18 MPH.

Watch the videos and see if it reminds you of last year's WALL-E movie.


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