Hundreds of Turkeys With Trimmings Available for Underpriveleged

Eight hundred turkeys to be given out at 60 centers throughout Chicago

The Chicago tradition of sharing on Thanksgiving was carried out again Tuesday, with more than 800 turkeys and 450 boxes of trimmings given out to homeless shelters and families across Chicago.

"There’s no reason for anyone to go hungry in this city," said Mary Ellen Caron, Chicago’s Commissioner of the Department of Family and Support Services.

This year's program kicked off at the Garfield Community Service Center Tuesday morning.

"Through this support, approximately 600 families will be able to prepare and enjoy a full thanksgiving dinner, complete with cornbread stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, yams, corn and potatoes," said Caron.

The turkey giveaway is funded every year with $25,000 in community service block grants, and Caron said there are a lot more services and programs to help those in need.

"If you know someone who’s hungry please call 311 and get them connected to services," she said.

The turkeys will be given out to 60 different centers in six different areas of the City.

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