Chicago Ideas Week Profiles: Accenture Seamless Retail

Chicago Ideas Week is coming back once again, and the third time around we’re all hopefully more savvy about the event and what it offers. But nobody’s an expert, and nobody can possibly be expected to catch everything they’d want at the annual gathering of minds from multiple disciplines all over our city from Oct. 14 through Oct. 20. Inc. Well’s here to help.

The event: Accenture: Seamless Retail. This lab will take place on Oct. 16 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. You can find it at the Accenture Customer Innovation Network lab, located on the 33rd floor of 161 N. Clark. Tickets aren't on sale yet, but you keep an eye out here.

Who is speaking: The event is hosted by Accenture's North America Center Lead Allison Hofferica.

Why you should care: This is a gold mine for anyone who works in retail. Customer service is key no matter what level you're at, and as Accenture will tell you, customer behavior is changing. They're connecting, they want convergence and all of that is affecting the retail industry.

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