5 Helpful Tips for Building Better Websites

Too often small business websites are built on an even smaller budget— links don’t work, you get no useful information, all the details are outdated, and it is riddled with spelling errors.

Megan Lee works is a Web Project Manager at See3 Communications, which works with nonprofits and small businesses to design new websites, re-design existing ones, and oversee online campaigns. Throughout her years of working with organizations, she has seen some consistent problems that have ultimately hindered overall growth.

Here are her top tips for any small business looking to grow their online presence:

  1. Choose an easy-to-maintain CMS (content management system) that your staff can easily use and update. With simple formats like Drupal or WordPress there are numerous options to choose from that even provide templates for pages you didn’t even know you needed.
  2. Take caution when you think through your site and make sure to keep your user in mind. Don’t get caught up in what you think it should have technically; rather, design for the user so they can have the most clear and helpful experience possible. Imagine the context your viewer will visit your website in, whether it be device, broadband speed, or time of day.
  3. If your site will be used mainly for resources, ensure that there is clear language that directs the user what to do and where to go. Use empowering language so the viewer has no questions on how they can complete an action. Cut all filler words. In addition, take time to make sure anywhere information is entered is secured behind the scenes and appears to be safe upfront so the user feels comfortable on your site.
  4. Utilizing images and videos to engage the viewer and encourage sharing. Images and videos are a great way to draw a user in and keep them in.
  5. To bolster the user’s ability to share your content, provide ways for them to easily connect through social media from your website. And don’t stop there while making these adjustments. Add value to your site rather than just marketing yourself. Make your website valuable since you have no way of controlling at what point the user will experience your brand for the first time.

It takes only a few clicks to make a first impression. Make sure your clicks are converted into sales and a loyal customer base with a little more time spent on your website.

Annika Celum is a media strategist and freelance writer based out of Chicago. She has volunteered to manage social media for various non-profits throughout the city for the past year and has always been passionate about working with charity organizations, both near and far. Though idyllic, she has aspirations to eradicate injustices with wit and determination. When not typing up a storm, you can find her commuting on her bike throughout the city or running to train for a race to benefit a non-profit.

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