Chicago Area Remembers 9/11 on 11th Anniversary

As a somber 9/11 ceremony gets underway in New York Tuesday, the Chicago area remembered the day 11 years ago when terrorists struck the United States and the World Trade Center.

Chicago Fire Department fire and rescue companies observed a moment of Silence at 7:46 a.m., the exact moment the first plane struck the Twin Towers. All members assembled across the city to offer a one-minute salute in memory of those who lost their life on Sept. 11, 2001. 
In Skokie, the village fire department also conducted a moment of silence and bell ceremony at 9:45 a.m. at three fire stations -- Station 16 at 7424 Niles Center Road, Station 17 at 8157 Central Park Ave. and Station 18 at 9024 Gross Point Road -- to mark the anniversary.

A memorial ceremony was held at 7:30 a.m. at Evanston's Fireman's Park at Maple Avenue and Simpson Street, and in Darien, the Darien-Woodridge Fire District held a ceremony at 9 a.m. at 7550 Lyman Avenue.

And despite a Chicago teachers strike, nearly 2,000 charter school students, parents and teachers held a "hero march" at 9:45 a.m. outside the district's Veteran's Campus.   

"This is an important teaching moment for students," said Juan Rangel, CEO of the United Neighborhood Organization. "UNO is committed to making sure this important event in history is not diminished by a teachers strike. In the midst of a dispute that is keeping children out of the classroom, it's important to know that public school students will honor this significant date in history."

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