Cat Survives South Bend Plane Crash in Wall of House

Cat belonging to crash victims found alive in wall six days later

A construction worker says a cat belonging to a woman whose home was struck by a jet that crashed in South Bend last week survived inside a wall of the house.

Harvey Jackson told WSBT-TV he was knocking down a wall in Patricia Kobalski's home Saturday when the cat jumped out from between two walls.

Jackson says he grabbed the cat so it wouldn't get hurt by a wrecking ball that was being used to demolish the house. He says the cat looked healthy other than having an injured leg.

WSBT says Zuul the cat had been missing since the plane crash Sunday that killed former Oklahoma quarterback Steve Davis and his friend Wes Caves. Two other people on the plane and one person on the ground were injured.

The plane, which originated at an airport in Tulsa, Okla., reportedly began experiencing electrical issues as it neared the airport.

Copyright AP - Associated Press
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